When Hygiene Actually HURTS Your Health

When Hygiene Actually HURTS Your Health

Hygiene has been the name of the game lately...

Your hands come into contact with bacteria every time you cough, use the restroom, interact with your pet, or touch surfaces used frequently by others – such as railings or doorknobs.

Failing to wash your hands and body regularly can cause this bacteria to multiply, increasing the risk for infection and other health problems.

Washing yourself and staying clean can kill and remove illness-causing bacteria from your body, lowering the risk for disease…

But sometimes hygiene can have the exact opposite effect from what is desired…

In fact, at times, hygiene can actually hurt your health.

Could your daily shower be putting your health in danger by destroying your immune system? (Hint: You might be doing it wrong.)

Even worse, could all of that handwashing be leaving you MORE vulnerable to illness?

You would never intentionally do something that would compromise your immune system, would you?

Of course not...

But if you’re like most Americans you are unknowingly putting yourself at risk multiple times every day.

I’m here to tell you that it’s not your fault…

You’ve only been doing what medical and public health officials recommend to keep yourself safe.

So what is this problem…?

If you can say “yes” to any of the below:

  • If you use antibacterial soaps, dish detergents, or alcohol-based sanitizer
  • If you are age 55+
  • If you worry about the strength of your immune system
  • If you have elevated blood pressure
  • If you are overweight

Let me show you the one critical step in your hygiene routine, which can make the difference between:

  • getting sick with a terrible (but completely preventable) illness,
  • or staying healthy for years to come.

P.S. Your daily hygiene may have been breaking down your immune system for years or even decades on end, but you can turn it all around – and fortify your immune defenses again – with this one simple step. Click here to watch the video now and I’ll explain >>>


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