U.S. Egg Shortage Leads to Food Supply Concerns, Do This to Get Ahead!

The Avian flu outbreak is causing huge food shortages across the United States. Fears of food shortages are causing widespread panic buying and supply chain concerns.

From breakfast foods to cakes, pasta to fancy cocktails, eggs have been a staple grocery for Americans for hundreds of years. You’ve probably taken eggs for granted throughout your whole life; but with the recent Avian flu outbreak, this simple commodity has become a highly sought after luxury that you may have been unable to buy recently.

And this is just the beginning.

Huge reductions in egg production are hitting supply chains for store room staples such as pasta or mayonnaise, creating large-scale panic of food supplies across the country.

Paired with the ongoing fuel crisis and the expensive international shipping rates, the country is struggling to maintain its supply chain for a basic household staple.

We’ve seen it time and time again that supply chains have a domino effect. It starts with eggs, but soon we could be facing the same problem with milk, grains, and proteins.

Over 58 million birds have died in 12 months, and a single foreign bird landing in a chicken farm could lead to the death of thousands of chickens in a single day.

Meaning less meat in your supermarket, rising prices, and more demand without the supply to keep in tow.

And if you wait too long to respond, you could be caught up in the panic buying frenzies that we saw in 2020 at the start of the pandemic.

That is why we highly recommend that you build your emergency survival food supply.

A survival kit that lasts more than a couple days, ready for action when you need it.

A survival kit that keeps you going with a variety of healthy and nutritious meals keeping you topped up with vitamins, protein, carbs, when you need it.

A survival kit that is designed to be good-for-25-years, and can be pulled out to keep you fed in any economy, when you need it.

If this domino effect happens, and we’re unable to purchase eggs and chicken breast, it’s only a matter of time until the hoarding starts, and it becomes impossible to buy beef, pork, milk, oats, cereals, and more.

You need to be ready, and you can do that by pressing the button below.


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